Current Players (Premier League Competition)

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PlayerName Preds Homes Draws Aways Correct Maxes Ubers Scoring Total Pts & Scoring % Exacts Neg CPs Pos CPs Cowpat Pts
Zebrasports6 2282 919 498 865 925 135 49 1109 2926 48.60 08.06 79 75 -11 Seasons
yakutz 6855 3468 1792 1595 2673 562 108 3343 8930 48.77 09.77 259 314 152 Seasons
Xavier Quebeck 4597 2289 618 1690 1938 303 65 2306 5927 50.16 08.01 169 187 47 Seasons
WoodsMonk 6138 3118 730 2290 2574 452 71 3097 7915 50.46 08.52 217 274 127 Seasons
willrelf92 3909 2178 740 991 1585 260 80 1925 5083 49.25 08.70 130 153 128 Seasons
Watcher #1 5729 3061 1293 1375 2321 464 72 2857 7492 49.87 09.36 188 250 164 Seasons
U.R.Correct 2380 1049 616 715 942 161 33 1136 2972 47.73 08.15 85 112 59 Seasons
tso 3587 2099 593 895 1515 280 52 1847 4794 51.49 09.26 133 168 97 Seasons
TruffleShuffle 4273 2309 798 1166 1743 358 61 2162 5729 50.60 09.81 149 184 103 Seasons
tonypennys 3374 1900 735 739 1406 262 43 1711 4442 50.71 09.04 128 135 0 Seasons
Tokyo 5406 3245 576 1585 2268 604 9 2881 7639 53.29 11.34 209 238 104 Seasons
Thebenster 6357 3308 905 2144 2612 469 76 3157 8128 49.66 08.57 228 285 117 Seasons
Terrence Chant 6938 4108 970 1860 2908 646 69 3623 9582 52.22 10.31 273 298 18 Seasons
Tele_Addict1 870 486 202 182 374 73 14 461 1223 52.99 10.00 39 35 -26 Seasons
taurus_67 5282 2856 1200 1226 2163 466 71 2700 7153 51.12 10.17 187 237 125 Seasons
Stevej75 2118 792 648 678 799 187 28 1014 2771 47.88 10.15 69 93 79 Seasons
Snorlax7 1964 1017 370 577 768 136 30 934 2496 47.56 08.45 66 63 14 Seasons
Self Control 692 271 204 217 218 39 4 261 683 37.72 06.21 19 20 -10 Seasons
Sam_Clarke1 2767 1175 838 754 1014 186 31 1231 3321 44.49 07.84 99 95 -1 Seasons
Realale 5094 2553 938 1603 2100 390 76 2566 6725 50.37 09.15 201 238 94 Seasons
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