Current Players (Premier League Competition)

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PlayerName Preds Homes Draws Aways Correct Maxes Ubers Scoring Total Pts & Scoring % Exacts Neg CPs Pos CPs Cowpat Pts
Liverbird 10 4 3 3 4 1 0 5 13 50.00 10.00 0 0 0 Seasons
Self Control 692 271 204 217 218 39 4 261 683 37.72 06.21 19 20 -10 Seasons
Tele_Addict1 990 552 230 208 419 80 15 514 1355 51.92 09.60 41 38 -23 Seasons
owen10 1119 584 244 291 442 76 13 531 1364 47.45 07.95 31 42 46 Seasons
Clever3000 1487 710 300 477 602 104 32 738 1957 49.63 09.15 42 62 53 Seasons
DanManF1 1586 649 387 550 617 107 34 758 2090 47.79 08.89 47 74 112 Seasons
Chris MacL 1827 894 494 439 759 141 23 923 2384 50.52 08.98 83 82 -17 Seasons
Snorlax7 2074 1071 383 620 811 143 31 985 2629 47.49 08.39 73 66 5 Seasons
Stevej75 2226 834 674 718 840 195 28 1063 2893 47.75 10.02 75 98 72 Seasons
Legba 2129 1075 258 796 906 184 27 1117 2926 52.47 09.91 71 74 -20 Seasons
U.R.Correct 2380 1049 616 715 942 161 33 1136 2972 47.73 08.15 85 112 59 Seasons
Zebrasports6 2393 961 519 913 971 139 49 1159 3038 48.43 07.86 83 79 -18 Seasons
Sam_Clarke1 2887 1229 875 783 1064 189 36 1289 3473 44.65 07.79 100 101 20 Seasons
Hutchy_Muse 3152 1362 661 1129 1190 166 61 1417 3679 44.96 07.20 115 115 41 Seasons
bazzaroo 3096 1288 923 885 1272 171 94 1537 4074 49.64 08.56 111 162 151 Seasons
Cuishla 3247 1705 621 921 1323 207 67 1597 4184 49.18 08.44 118 134 51 Seasons
anap 3796 1873 1005 918 1368 283 55 1706 4575 44.94 08.90 161 166 -15 Seasons
tonypennys 3374 1900 735 739 1406 262 43 1711 4442 50.71 09.04 128 135 0 Seasons
Mark F 3584 1951 813 820 1461 338 35 1834 4857 51.17 10.41 132 145 28 Seasons
tso 3587 2099 593 895 1515 280 52 1847 4794 51.49 09.26 133 168 97 Seasons
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