Current Players (Premier League Competition)

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PlayerName Preds Homes Draws Aways Correct Maxes Ubers Scoring Total Pts & Scoring % Exacts Neg CPs Pos CPs Cowpat Pts
Self Control 692 271 204 217 218 39 4 261 683 37.72 06.21 19 20 -10 Seasons
LdnUls 5499 2399 1907 1193 1939 431 68 2438 6607 44.34 09.07 210 220 14 Seasons
Sam_Clarke1 2887 1229 875 783 1064 189 36 1289 3473 44.65 07.79 100 101 20 Seasons
davethecue 4754 2069 1333 1352 1721 349 60 2130 5732 44.80 08.60 147 176 52 Seasons
anap 3796 1873 1005 918 1368 283 55 1706 4575 44.94 08.90 161 166 -15 Seasons
Hutchy_Muse 3152 1362 661 1129 1190 166 61 1417 3679 44.96 07.20 115 115 41 Seasons
dgsmith 4784 1793 1390 1601 1807 275 84 2166 5621 45.28 07.50 193 184 -84 Seasons
Cissy Fairfax 3996 1715 1017 1264 1543 251 55 1849 4847 46.27 07.66 119 170 153 Seasons
eugenespeed 4970 1916 1589 1465 1882 319 104 2305 6142 46.38 08.51 204 207 -13 Seasons
familyguy8904 4780 2458 1208 1114 1870 296 54 2220 5651 46.44 07.32 156 176 43 Seasons
Croctacus 4729 1874 1342 1513 1838 262 101 2201 5766 46.54 07.68 175 187 46 Seasons
Fish Go Deep 5408 2351 1553 1504 2027 473 49 2549 6810 47.13 09.65 212 242 96 Seasons
owen10 1119 584 244 291 442 76 13 531 1364 47.45 07.95 31 42 46 Seasons
Snorlax7 2074 1071 383 620 811 143 31 985 2629 47.49 08.39 73 66 5 Seasons
Matthartlane 4335 1925 1198 1212 1679 321 61 2061 5443 47.54 08.81 164 176 -19 Seasons
Partyanimal 6209 3478 1191 1540 2408 461 89 2958 7846 47.64 08.86 219 268 136 Seasons
digiremote 5081 2473 1420 1188 2010 349 62 2421 6265 47.65 08.09 194 226 74 Seasons
U.R.Correct 2380 1049 616 715 942 161 33 1136 2972 47.73 08.15 85 112 59 Seasons
Stevej75 2226 834 674 718 840 195 28 1063 2893 47.75 10.02 75 98 72 Seasons
DanManF1 1586 649 387 550 617 107 34 758 2090 47.79 08.89 47 74 112 Seasons
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