Current Players (Premier League Competition)

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PlayerName Preds Homes Draws Aways Correct Maxes Ubers Scoring Total Pts & Scoring % Exacts Neg CPs Pos CPs Cowpat Pts
beth84 5968 2806 1196 1966 2429 318 175 2922 7699 48.96 08.26 203 262 159 Seasons
yakutz 6975 3523 1825 1627 2719 567 111 3397 9068 48.70 09.72 262 318 163 Seasons
dyer24 4391 2163 1006 1222 1826 284 109 2219 5878 50.54 08.95 164 184 62 Seasons
eugenespeed 4970 1916 1589 1465 1882 319 104 2305 6142 46.38 08.51 204 207 -13 Seasons
DimSum 5158 3007 597 1554 2208 405 102 2715 7174 52.64 09.83 160 218 172 Seasons
Croctacus 4729 1874 1342 1513 1838 262 101 2201 5766 46.54 07.68 175 187 46 Seasons
Hibs_Fan 5560 2556 1436 1568 2170 431 96 2697 7182 48.51 09.48 215 250 108 Seasons
DimbleBurbleby 6188 3225 1260 1703 2464 451 95 3010 7877 48.64 08.82 219 291 206 Seasons
bazzaroo 3096 1288 923 885 1272 171 94 1537 4074 49.64 08.56 111 162 151 Seasons
Partyanimal 6209 3478 1191 1540 2408 461 89 2958 7846 47.64 08.86 219 268 136 Seasons
dgsmith 4784 1793 1390 1601 1807 275 84 2166 5621 45.28 07.50 193 184 -84 Seasons
dazc 4775 2567 750 1458 1920 355 80 2355 6194 49.32 09.11 149 202 151 Seasons
willrelf92 4028 2248 758 1022 1636 266 80 1982 5215 49.21 08.59 133 156 132 Seasons
Thebenster 6477 3374 914 2189 2659 473 78 3210 8256 49.56 08.51 231 287 108 Seasons
clarky323 4969 2609 963 1397 2041 372 76 2489 6491 50.09 09.02 162 219 165 Seasons
Realale 5094 2553 938 1603 2100 390 76 2566 6725 50.37 09.15 201 238 94 Seasons
Watcher #1 5849 3122 1315 1412 2363 473 73 2909 7628 49.73 09.33 189 255 182 Seasons
taurus_67 5402 2921 1224 1257 2207 469 72 2748 7263 50.87 10.01 191 238 116 Seasons
WoodsMonk 6258 3177 750 2331 2621 453 72 3146 8021 50.27 08.39 221 275 117 Seasons
Terrence Chant 7058 4174 993 1891 2950 652 71 3673 9710 52.04 10.24 278 299 5 Seasons
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