Current Players (Premier League Competition)

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PlayerName Preds Homes Draws Aways Correct Maxes Ubers Scoring Total Pts & Scoring % Exacts Neg CPs Pos CPs Cowpat Pts
yakutz 6885 3484 1801 1600 2680 563 108 3351 8949 48.67 09.75 259 315 157 Seasons
Terrence Chant 6968 4127 973 1868 2915 647 69 3631 9601 52.11 10.28 274 299 19 Seasons
DimbleBurbleby 6098 3179 1244 1675 2429 446 91 2966 7754 48.64 08.81 217 288 204 Seasons
Thebenster 6387 3326 906 2155 2620 470 76 3166 8149 49.57 08.55 228 286 120 Seasons
Lauro 5552 3150 1311 1091 2237 600 11 2848 7586 51.30 11.01 216 281 218 Seasons
WoodsMonk 6158 3128 733 2297 2581 452 71 3104 7929 50.41 08.49 218 274 125 Seasons
Partyanimal 6119 3431 1176 1512 2371 459 87 2917 7748 47.67 08.92 215 264 136 Seasons
beth84 5879 2762 1183 1934 2394 315 168 2877 7565 48.94 08.22 201 259 146 Seasons
Watcher #1 5759 3074 1299 1386 2327 466 72 2865 7514 49.75 09.34 188 252 172 Seasons
Hibs_Fan 5465 2516 1407 1542 2138 427 91 2656 7063 48.60 09.48 212 247 108 Seasons
Fish Go Deep 5408 2351 1553 1504 2027 473 49 2549 6810 47.13 09.65 212 242 96 Seasons
Benny Johns 5368 2956 905 1507 2168 479 49 2696 7091 50.22 09.84 194 240 143 Seasons
Realale 5094 2553 938 1603 2100 390 76 2566 6725 50.37 09.15 201 238 94 Seasons
Tokyo 5426 3259 578 1589 2277 604 9 2890 7657 53.26 11.30 210 238 101 Seasons
taurus_67 5312 2872 1206 1234 2172 466 71 2709 7171 51.00 10.11 188 237 123 Seasons
Hayden 4731 2726 858 1147 1900 444 37 2381 6286 50.33 10.17 201 234 28 Seasons
digiremote 4991 2437 1396 1158 1978 346 60 2384 6160 47.77 08.13 191 223 62 Seasons
DimSum 5068 2963 585 1520 2171 402 97 2670 7050 52.68 09.85 157 216 171 Seasons
clarky323 4879 2559 949 1371 2001 368 72 2441 6363 50.03 09.02 160 216 162 Seasons
LdnUls 5409 2362 1880 1167 1905 422 68 2395 6489 44.28 09.06 207 216 21 Seasons
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