Current Players (Premier League Competition)

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PlayerName Preds Homes Draws Aways Correct Maxes Ubers Scoring Total Pts & Scoring % Exacts Neg CPs Pos CPs Cowpat Pts
ianp1970 4549 2716 361 1472 1938 492 32 2462 6565 54.12 11.52 153 191 84 Seasons
dean michael 3502 2142 341 1019 1595 249 50 1894 4847 54.08 08.54 109 155 170 Seasons
Tokyo 5524 3314 586 1624 2316 615 10 2941 7797 53.24 11.31 213 241 98 Seasons
DimSum 5158 3007 597 1554 2208 405 102 2715 7174 52.64 09.83 160 218 172 Seasons
Legba 2129 1075 258 796 906 184 27 1117 2926 52.47 09.91 71 74 -20 Seasons
Terrence Chant 7058 4174 993 1891 2950 652 71 3673 9710 52.04 10.24 278 299 5 Seasons
Tele_Addict1 990 552 230 208 419 80 15 514 1355 51.92 09.60 41 38 -23 Seasons
tso 3587 2099 593 895 1515 280 52 1847 4794 51.49 09.26 133 168 97 Seasons
Lauro 5552 3150 1311 1091 2237 600 11 2848 7586 51.30 11.01 216 281 218 Seasons
Mark F 3584 1951 813 820 1461 338 35 1834 4857 51.17 10.41 132 145 28 Seasons
neilwatson 5507 2796 921 1790 2300 443 68 2811 7313 51.04 09.28 218 215 -58 Seasons
taurus_67 5402 2921 1224 1257 2207 469 72 2748 7263 50.87 10.01 191 238 116 Seasons
tonypennys 3374 1900 735 739 1406 262 43 1711 4442 50.71 09.04 128 135 0 Seasons
dyer24 4391 2163 1006 1222 1826 284 109 2219 5878 50.54 08.95 164 184 62 Seasons
Chris MacL 1827 894 494 439 759 141 23 923 2384 50.52 08.98 83 82 -17 Seasons
TruffleShuffle 4393 2380 813 1200 1785 366 62 2213 5860 50.38 09.74 153 188 106 Seasons
Realale 5094 2553 938 1603 2100 390 76 2566 6725 50.37 09.15 201 238 94 Seasons
Hayden 4731 2726 858 1147 1900 444 37 2381 6286 50.33 10.17 201 234 28 Seasons
WoodsMonk 6258 3177 750 2331 2621 453 72 3146 8021 50.27 08.39 221 275 117 Seasons
Benny Johns 5458 3003 920 1535 2208 482 52 2742 7207 50.24 09.78 195 245 157 Seasons
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